
- 答:浅谈李白诗歌的特点
李白是盛唐文化孕育也来的天才诗人,是中国伟大的浪漫主义诗人,被后人尊称为“诗仙”。他的一生充满了传奇色彩,关于他的身世、行踪和家庭,异说纷纭,他的思想性格更是非常独特,旷世少有。追求功名、漫游山水和求仙学道,伴随了李白的一生,他的思想抱负、生活情趣和性格气质,在他的山水诗歌里得到了不同侧面的表现。他并不是以山水诗闻名,但是他的山水诗却突破了中国传统山水诗的窠臼,充满着雄奇壮美的色彩和磅礴的气势,想象丰富,具有强烈自我表现的主观色彩,语言流转自然,音律和谐多变,善于从民歌、神话中汲取营养素材,达到了浪漫主义的艺术巅峰,使其诗歌具有“惊风雨“,“泣鬼神”的艺术魅力。李白的诗歌创作,充满了发兴无端的澎湃激情和神奇想象,既有气势浩瀚、变幻莫测的壮观奇景,又有标举风神情韵而自然天成的明丽意境,美不胜收。作为盛唐诗人中艺术个性最鲜明的一位,李白诗歌的艺术成就是复杂的,多方面的。 - 答:浅谈李白的诗文风格 孙荣念摘要:我是一名中学教师,由于教学的关系,对古诗词渐渐产生了浓厚的兴趣,尤其对李白的诗更有一种痴迷。本文从李白的生平及思想品格、创作风格、艺术成就及影响三方面进行了浅述:一、 李白的生平。李白是盛唐文化孕育也来的天才诗人,他的一生充满了传奇色彩,关于他的身世、行踪和家庭,异说纷纭,他的思想性格更是非常独特,旷世少有。李白的思想性格。追求功名、漫游山水和求仙学道,伴随了李白的一生,他的思想抱负、生活情趣和性格气质,在这些方面得到了不同侧面的表现。二、 李白的创作风格可以从他的绝句、乐府、歌行三种体裁来体现。其抒情方式最具鲜明的特点,往往是喷发式的,一旦感情兴发就毫无节制的奔涌而出,宛如天际的狂飙和喷溢的火山。三、 在盛唐诗人中,李白是艺术个性最为鲜明的一位,体现在他诗歌创作的各个方面,其艺术成就也是多方面的。关键词:生平 、思想品格 、创作风格 、意象 、影响正文:众所周知,李白是盛唐时期最为著名的诗人。研究李白的创作风格和身世遭遇有助于我们了解盛唐诗歌创作的基本面貌。而在古诗教学中要使学生对离现实语言较远的诗文产生兴趣,对优美的诗句领悟内涵,首先要做的是让学生了解诗人的生平及思想品格,从而领会其创作风格,领悟诗的意境和蕴含的美好思想。基于此,我阅读了李白的诗集和一些相关资料,对李白的创作风格和身世际遇有了一些浅显的认识。一、 李白的生平及思想品格 我觉得,李白的一生由两条主线所贯穿:一是他的仕途生涯,二
- 答:Title: On Du Fu's Epic
Abstract: Du Fu's poetry history of China is the great reality of the peak, the documentary works related to social unrest, political darkness, the people's plight, as the "Epic." In this paper, starting from the concrete poetry, the words of wisdom about the "Epic" named for its characteristics of the Du Fu in the Tang Dynasty from this special day into a period of the impact of their experience, as well as such poems unique historical value.
Key words: Du Fu, Epic, An-Shih Rebellion keep abreast of current events, the bottom Perspective - 答:Title: The Du Fu poetry of historical significance discusses
the abstract: Du Fu is in the Chinese poetry history the realism great peak, its on-the-spot report work involves the social agitation, politics dark, the folk hardship, is honored as “the poetry of historical significance”. This article embarks from the specific position, clarified that has discussed the reason which “the poetry of historical significance” acquires fame with its characteristic, has discussed Du Fu in the Tang Dynasty by Sheng Zhuanshuai this special time experience to its work influence, as well as this kind of poem unique historical data value.
key word: Du Fu, the poetry of historical significance, Anlushan Rebellion, cling the current event, the first floor angle of view
- 答:Poetry is the art of the carrier, rich and profound meaning. Poetry is a response to calls in the bottom of their hearts to create freedom and life, emotion, memory, fantasy and many others in the real heart of the process all together. Poetry writing in the psychological history, often there is a triple conversion factor, that is, from a realistic scenario shallow tactile perception of the mind to enhance life-like state and then to the main presentation. This article focused on this triple conversion start to explore how poetry is based on reality, has once again surpassed that in reality, and ultimately to the main valleys of life to experience the deep-seated.
- 答:【summary】
Poetry is a carrier of art,its meaning is rich and profound. Poetry is a response for calls in the bottom of their hearts to create freedom and life, emotion, memory, fantasy and many others in the real heart of the process all together. Poetry writing in the psychological history, often there is a triple conversion factor, that is, from a realistic scenario shallow tactile perception of the mind to enhance life-like state and then to the main presentation. This article focused on this triple conversion start to explore how poetry is based on reality, has once again surpassed that in reality, and ultimately to the main valleys of life to experience the deep-seated. - 答:【Abstract】 poetry is the art of the carrier, rich and profound meaning. Poetry is a response to calls in the bottom of their hearts to create freedom and life, emotion, memory, fantasy and many others in the real heart of the process all together. Poetry writing in the psychological history, often there is a triple conversion factor, that is, from a realistic scenario shallow tactile perception of the mind to enhance life-like state and then to the main presentation. This article focused on this triple conversion start to explore how poetry is based on reality, has once again surpassed that in reality, and ultimately to the main valleys of life to experience the deep-seated.